Broyeur forestier TUTKUN CEYLAN Mulcher for the collection of pruning residues neuf à vendre, 2022 - ID: 6998553
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Broyeur forestier neuf TUTKUN CEYLAN Mulcher for the collection of pruning residues

Publié: 2an(s) 1mois

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Broyeur forestier neuf TUTKUN CEYLAN Mulcher for the collection of pruning residues

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Contrôle technique

Vineyard and orchard

1200 kg

2300 mm

1800 mm

2150 mm
Largeur de travail

1750 mm
Vitesse maximale

5-10 km/h
Puissance nécessaire

55 kW



Turquie, Akşehir Organize Sanayi Bölgesi - 5.sokak No: 20 – AKŞEHİR /KONYA / TURKEY


Plus d'information

Tutkun CEYLAN mulchers are mounted machines fitted to the three-point-linkage of the rearhydraulic lift of the tractor. Ideal for collection, mulching and storage of vine shoots and pruning residues of vineyards, orchards and olive groves. Unique for the big- bags - made of special transpiring material – which make the mulched product naturally dry. The CEYLAN mulchers give the opportunity to treat the pruning residues properlyto collect them for energetic purposes. The CEYLAN range is provided with a pick-up device for the lifting of pruning residues avoiding the incoming of grass, stones and earthinto the inner mulching chamber.

Cette offre est uniquement à titre informatif. Veuillez confirmer les détails directement auprès du vendeur.


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